News — small business
Seth Nitschke
Greenwashing. The new black.
Have an “All Natural Burger” Recently a major fast food chain launched its own version of “The All Natural Burger”. It boasts no hormones, free range and grass fed. Last year another nationwide chain (that markets itself extensively as a healthy and green option to fast food) announced something similar. I usually like to let this kind of thing slide, but I just can’t keep quiet on this one. I suppose this can be seen as a victory for grass fed beef, it is popular enough now to be seen as almost mainstream. Then again it can be seen as...
Mica Nitschke
Turning sentiments into votes
When you buy beef from us it is casting a vote for sustainable agriculture, for family farms, and for local products.
Mica Nitschke
Show us your mess!!
Hello readers! So about a year ago, I sat down to write my first blog. I was nervous, sad and excited! Nervous, because while I’ve always loved to journal and write, I’ve never put my writing out there for the public to view; sad, because our youngest had just started kindergarten, and excited because I was venturing into new territory – having more time to devote to our business and put some of my own touches, creativity and expression into it. Long story short, I found myself pregnant with our 3rd child about 2 months after school started and life...