News — homeschool

herding cattle on one of our ranches in Catheys Valley.  Spring time brings green grass, fat cattle, and happy cowboys and cowgirls!

On Fridays, We Move Cattle!

One of the best parts about our charter school is that it allows us to home school our kids on Fridays.  This provides opportunities for the kids to do things out of the ordinary on a school day, such as helping Dad out on the ranch.  So when he can, the Head Cowboy does ranch activities on Fridays so the kids can help out.

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Show us your mess!!

Show us your mess!!

Hello readers! So about a year ago, I sat down to write my first blog. I was nervous, sad and excited!  Nervous, because while I’ve always loved to journal and write, I’ve never put my writing out there for the public to view; sad, because our youngest had just started kindergarten, and excited because I was venturing into new territory – having more time to devote to our business and put some of my own touches, creativity and expression into it.  Long story short, I found myself pregnant with our 3rd child about 2 months after school started and life...

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