News — ranch wife

I Lead a Double Life...

I Lead a Double Life...

While I don’t actually lead a double life in the scintillating way you might have imagined when reading my title, I do in fact feel like I lead a double life. But I’m going to be honest here…CONFESSION TIME…I have a really hard time doing this. I want to present an honest picture of our life & I want to be interesting and real at the same time, but I feel that these things don’t converge.

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Back to School: I'm Not Ready!

Back to School: I'm Not Ready!

I know I am totally old school, but I still haven’t wrapped my head around the kids returning to school before Labor Day!!  (And this marks our 7th year of kids in school, so apparently I don’t accept change very quickly!!)  That being said, I hope the rest of you have accepted that school starts in August and are enjoying the new school year.  For me, when the kids head off to school, I plan, plan, plan, because every year, I have it in my head that I am going to have SO MUCH TIME to accomplish so many tasks...

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Show us your mess!!

Show us your mess!!

Hello readers! So about a year ago, I sat down to write my first blog. I was nervous, sad and excited!  Nervous, because while I’ve always loved to journal and write, I’ve never put my writing out there for the public to view; sad, because our youngest had just started kindergarten, and excited because I was venturing into new territory – having more time to devote to our business and put some of my own touches, creativity and expression into it.  Long story short, I found myself pregnant with our 3rd child about 2 months after school started and life...

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