News — real life
Seth Nitschke
Stocking Up: A Guide to Whole, Half and Quarter Beef
Lots of people call and ask me about getting a whole beef or quarter beef or generally stocking up on beef. It’s getting more and more popular and there are a lot of good reasons why. The problem is, most people don’t know where to start. I always do my best to help and over time I have found some really good questions for customers to ask themselves that will help determine how much beef they should or should not buy.
Seth Nitschke
mRNA Vaccine and Cattle (Honestly: I hate this topic)
Based on what our customers expect from us I am willing to state for the record - We will NOT be using mRNA vaccinations on our cattle.
Seth Nitschke
Cows, Vaccines & Nonsense - Actual Information from an Actual Rancher
A lot of questions recently about livestock vaccinations from customers that are based on some social media rumors and some podcasts. I have seen this too and I want to help set the record straight.
Mica Nitschke
I Lead a Double Life...
While I don’t actually lead a double life in the scintillating way you might have imagined when reading my title, I do in fact feel like I lead a double life. But I’m going to be honest here…CONFESSION TIME…I have a really hard time doing this. I want to present an honest picture of our life & I want to be interesting and real at the same time, but I feel that these things don’t converge.