News — grass fed

Stocking Up: A Guide to Whole, Half and Quarter Beef

Stocking Up: A Guide to Whole, Half and Quarter Beef

Lots of people call and ask me about getting a whole beef or quarter beef or generally stocking up on beef.  It’s getting more and more popular and there are a lot of good reasons why.  The problem is, most people don’t know where to start.  I always do my best to help and over time I have found some really good questions for customers to ask themselves that will help determine how much beef they should or should not buy.

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Election Day 2016

Election Day 2016

So, what do the head cowboy and his wife think about the all this political bru-ha-ha going on?  Well, first and foremost, hallelujah - election season is almost over! At least there is an end in sight to all the hate, evil thoughts, tweets, ads etc that have inundated all of us for too long.

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Back to School: I'm Not Ready!

Back to School: I'm Not Ready!

I know I am totally old school, but I still haven’t wrapped my head around the kids returning to school before Labor Day!!  (And this marks our 7th year of kids in school, so apparently I don’t accept change very quickly!!)  That being said, I hope the rest of you have accepted that school starts in August and are enjoying the new school year.  For me, when the kids head off to school, I plan, plan, plan, because every year, I have it in my head that I am going to have SO MUCH TIME to accomplish so many tasks...

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Father's Day

Father's Day

Father’s day is fast approaching and I just wanted to share some thoughts.  As many of you know (or at least you should know) we are a family company.   Which means everybody participates, right down to the kids.  We have three awesome, intelligent, good looking, charming, and above-average children. As a business owner I have to wear a lot of different hats.  Of all the job titles I hold (Cowboy, entrepreneur, meat salesman, truck driver, janitor, customer service agent, and rancher) Dad is the job I am most challenged by, and the most proud of.   It is the job that...

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