News — joy

Election Day 2016

Election Day 2016

So, what do the head cowboy and his wife think about the all this political bru-ha-ha going on?  Well, first and foremost, hallelujah - election season is almost over! At least there is an end in sight to all the hate, evil thoughts, tweets, ads etc that have inundated all of us for too long.

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Show us your mess!!

Show us your mess!!

Hello readers! So about a year ago, I sat down to write my first blog. I was nervous, sad and excited!  Nervous, because while I’ve always loved to journal and write, I’ve never put my writing out there for the public to view; sad, because our youngest had just started kindergarten, and excited because I was venturing into new territory – having more time to devote to our business and put some of my own touches, creativity and expression into it.  Long story short, I found myself pregnant with our 3rd child about 2 months after school started and life...

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