
Turning sentiments into votes

Turning sentiments into votes

When you buy beef from us it is casting a vote for sustainable agriculture, for family farms, and for local products.

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Seth Nitschke
Autumn Brings Optimism

Autumn Brings Optimism

My favorite time of year is Autumn. It’s easy to like the springtime when all things are new and the world wakes up from the winter, but liking the fall season takes optimism.  It is the time of year we are the most hopeful.  For us, we are just bringing cattle back from summer pasture and we are just seeing the rain start and grass in California is starting to come on. As ranchers, our fall calves are being born and the green grass season is in front of us. We still have the whole grass season to go and...

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Show us your mess!!

Show us your mess!!

Hello readers! So about a year ago, I sat down to write my first blog. I was nervous, sad and excited!  Nervous, because while I’ve always loved to journal and write, I’ve never put my writing out there for the public to view; sad, because our youngest had just started kindergarten, and excited because I was venturing into new territory – having more time to devote to our business and put some of my own touches, creativity and expression into it.  Long story short, I found myself pregnant with our 3rd child about 2 months after school started and life...

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