News — Budget

Stocking Up: A Guide to Whole, Half and Quarter Beef

Stocking Up: A Guide to Whole, Half and Quarter Beef

Lots of people call and ask me about getting a whole beef or quarter beef or generally stocking up on beef.  It’s getting more and more popular and there are a lot of good reasons why.  The problem is, most people don’t know where to start.  I always do my best to help and over time I have found some really good questions for customers to ask themselves that will help determine how much beef they should or should not buy.

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Back to School: I'm Not Ready!

Back to School: I'm Not Ready!

I know I am totally old school, but I still haven’t wrapped my head around the kids returning to school before Labor Day!!  (And this marks our 7th year of kids in school, so apparently I don’t accept change very quickly!!)  That being said, I hope the rest of you have accepted that school starts in August and are enjoying the new school year.  For me, when the kids head off to school, I plan, plan, plan, because every year, I have it in my head that I am going to have SO MUCH TIME to accomplish so many tasks...

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