Father’s day is fast approaching and I just wanted to share some thoughts. As many of you know (or at least you should know) we are a family company. Which means everybody participates, right down to the kids. We have three awesome, intelligent, good looking, charming, and above-average children.

As a business owner I have to wear a lot of different hats. Of all the job titles I hold (Cowboy, entrepreneur, meat salesman, truck driver, janitor, customer service agent, and rancher) Dad is the job I am most challenged by, and the most proud of. It is the job that requires the most dedication, the most time the most patience and by far is the most rewarding. The job of Dad takes up 80% the space on my resume and 100% of my heart. It’s important. That is all.
So for Father’s Day may I offer some advice… Don’t get your Dad a tie, chances are he doesn’t like wearing them. No power tools; although they are very cool, they just imply all the work we haven’t gotten done yet. Don’t get Dad a BBQ because as much fun as it is to play with fire it is still work to cook. So what is the solution?
They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. They are right. Oh… so right. Cook him some steaks and get the man a beer and I promise no Father will be disappointed with that. It always fits just right, he will like the color for sure and you don’t have to fill out a warrantee card.